Rate Analysis of Civil works Elements, Factor Affecting & Requirement of Rate analysis

Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis

What is analysis of rate or rate analysis?

The process of determining rate of any work in civil Engineering project like earthwork, brickwork, plastering, painting etc. is known as analysis of rate or simply rate analysis. The rate of these works further helps in determining cost of particular work and in turn cost of the project. The rate of any process or works depends on various factors.
Rate analysis of Civil Works or Building Works is the determination of cost of each construction work per unit quantity. This cost includes the cost of materials, labours, machinery, contractors profit and other miscellaneous petty expenses required for the particular work to be complete in unit quantity.

Factor affecting Rate analysis

The various factors that are involved in determining rate of any process of work are mentioned below:
        ·         Specification of works and material about their quality, proportion and constructional operation           method. Specification of the civil work and materials such as quality of materials, proportion of          mortar or concrete, thickness of plastering, number of coats of painting, depth of excavation,               type of soil etc.
        ·         Quantity of materials and their costs. Quantity of materials, number of different types of                       labours   and rates of materials and labours influence the rate analysis.
        ·         Cost of labor and their wages different types of labours and rates of materials and labours                     influence the rate analysis.
        ·         Location of the construction site – Distance of construction site from source of materials,                    availability of labours, availability of water, machinery etc. Overhead and establishment charges

Why we need rate analysis

·         To determine the actual cost per unit of the items.
            ·   To know the requirements of quantities of labours, materials, machineries and capital to                       complete the project.
            ·   To work out the economical use of materials and processes in completing the particulars                        item.
            ·    To calculate the cost of extra items which are not provided in the contract bond, but are to 
                be executed as per the directions of the department.
            ·   To optimize the use of labour, materials and machineries and to know the alternatives to                      optimize the resources.
            ·    To revise the schedule of rates due to increase in the cost of material and labour or due to                    change in technique.

      What are the Elements of Rate Analysis of Civil Works?

   Elements which constitute the rate analysis are:
         a) Material cost inclusive of wastage
          b) Labour cost
          c) Plant & machinery owning and operating charges
          d) Contractor’s overheads and profit

Main term on rate analysis

Labour :

The rate of labour is based on skill of the labour, such as skilled labour, semi-skilled and unskilled labour. The cost of materials and labours vary from place to place. Thus, the cost of each construction work varies from place to place. Labour may be classified into two types
           a.  Skilled
           b.  Unskilled

Labour Charges can be obtained from schedules of rate. 30% of the skilled labour in data should be taken 30% as Ist class and remaining 70% as IInd class

Lead statement

The distance between the source of availability of material and construction site is known as lead and is calculated in km. the conveyance cost of material depends on lead
            The lead statement will give the total cost of materials per unit item including first cost, conveyance loading-unloading, stacking charges etc.


Similarly during the earthwork, the average height through which soil has to be lifted from sources to the place of spreading is known as lift
First lift is taken up to 2m
The extra lift is counted for up to 1 m after the first lift and so on

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